If you are one of those people who procrastinate and always end up doing secondary tasks rather than choosing to get down to work with what you had proposed, stay because the Pomodoro technique interests you.
Although the origin of procrastination can be very diverse, if we add to the fact of being saturated the lack of time, it can create a blockage and a feeling of apathy towards the task to be done, which, when procrastinating, makes us feel even worse.
Therefore, although this technique requires commitment with the methodology and with ourselves, believe me that it will help you to make the most of the free time you have.
Origin of the Pomodoro technique
Although it is becoming more and more complicated to concentrate with all the distractions around us, the truth is that the problem of procrastination has existed all through life. An example of this happened in the 1980s, when a university student named Francesco Cirillo who, like many of us had difficulty concentrating, decided to use a kitchen timer in the shape of a tomato (pomodoro in Italian) to divide his time into intervals.
This is how the Pomodoro technique was born, a simple but effective formula, where the idea is to focus intensely on a task for a short period of time, eliminating any distractions from the environment.
Pomodoro methodology
The Pomodoro technique is based on 25-minute sessions of concentrated work, followed by 5 minutes of rest. When we finish the session, we can say that we have completed the first pomodoro, and this is the time to stretch our legs, drink water and get ready for the next one. Only after performing 4 pomodoros, which would be the equivalent of 2 hours of intense work, we can take a slightly longer break.
Although the methodology does not state how much time should be allowed to pass before starting the next cycle, in my experience, I recommend a minimum of half an hour and a maximum of 45 minutes before restarting, since the aim is to recover energy but without dropping the goal.
Another aspect to consider before starting a pomodoro is to determine which task we want to complete and break it down into specific activities, as well as, eliminate any distractions that may be around us, especially the smartphone. To do this, you can set a “do not disturb” mode so that the phone does not emit sounds or light up with notifications, and if you tend to look at it often, leave it at a distance out of your reach. Finally, be sure to set the alarm so you don’t have to keep an eye on the time.
As for music, you can listen to one that helps you to focus, but if, on the other hand, you are easily distracted, silence will be the best option.
Benefits of the Pomodoro technique
The popularity of this technique is a result of its simplicity when it comes to put it into practice and its high efficiency, which is why as soon as you start to implement it you will see benefits such as:
- Concentration improvement: By limiting your work time to 25 minutes, you reduce the temptation to procrastinate and avoid mental exhaustion.
- Organization and prioritization: It makes you plan your tasks in advance and focus on what is most important.
- Tiredness reduced: Frequent breaks help prevent burnout, keeping you fresh and focused for longer.
- Self-discipline promoted: The technique trains you to maintain focus and manage distractions effectively.
- Quick feedback and motivation provided: Each completed cycle allows you to measure your progress and adjust your strategies. In addition, meeting small milestones serves as motivation to stay on track to meet your goal.
The Pomodoro technique is not only a time management strategy, it is a work philosophy that promotes full concentration, balance and efficiency. By adopting it, you will not only improve your productivity, but also develop a healthier approach to your daily responsibilities.
Personally, it is one of the techniques that has helped me concentrate the most and, without you even realizing it, it eventually becomes part of the way you work. So, if you are looking for an effective way to make the most of your time, put it into practice and you will soon see the results.
[1] The Pomodoro Technique
Want to learn more about work methodologies? Don’t miss these resources!
- Scrum: An agile framework for project management
- Kanban: The visual management tool for unleashing productivity
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