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NFT: The single digital asset revolution

In the field of decentralized and distributed ledger technologies, Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have emerged as a significant innovation, transforming our understanding of ownership and value in the digital environment. While blockchain is not the only such technology, it is the most advanced and where most NFTs are being realized. From their inception to their prominent presence today, NFTs have played a decisive role in redefining how we interact with art, collectibles, and other digital assets.

In this article, we will explore NFTs in detail, from their history to their use cases and security considerations, to provide a comprehensive overview of this fascinating technology.

What are NFTs?

Non-fungible tokens are a technological innovation in the digital asset space. Unlike fungible tokens, such as traditional cryptocurrencies on platforms like Bitcoin or Ethereum, where each token is identical and can be exchanged for another of equal value, NFTs are unique and irreplaceable. This means that each NFT has specific characteristics and cannot be exchanged at par with any other NFT due to these intrinsic differences.


Main characteristics

  • Exclusivity and authenticity: One of the most distinguishing features is its uniqueness. Each NFT is a unique element and no two are alike. This uniqueness is ensured by the information recorded on the blockchain during the “minting” process, where specific metadata is created for each NFT. This metadata includes details such as the identity of the creator, the date of creation, and specific characteristics of the digital asset it represents.
  • Ownership and originality: NFTs guarantee ownership of a digital asset in a secure, transparent, and easily verifiable manner, eliminating disputes about the authenticity or ownership of a digital asset.
  • Additional information and copyright: NFTs can be tagged with a variety of additional information that enhances their usefulness and value. This includes copyright and restrictions on the reproduction or sale of the digital asset.
  • Minting and smart contracts: The process of “minting” an NFT is when a creator turns a digital asset into a tradable asset on the blockchain. This process involves the creation of a specific smart contract that defines the rules associated with the token.
  • Transparency and security: Because information about NFTs is stored on a blockchain, there is a high level of transparency and security associated with their transaction and ownership.

The characteristics of NFTs, from their uniqueness and authenticity to their enhanced capabilities through smart contracts, make them ideal for a variety of applications in the digital world. Their ability to secure ownership and guarantee copyrights in a transparent and secure manner is revolutionary, opening up new possibilities for creators and collectors in the digital age.

History of NFTs

Non-fungible tokens have revolutionized the way we think about owning and trading digital assets. Although the fever for NFTs will peak in 2020-2021, their history begins much earlier and follows a fascinating path of innovation and technological development.

Origins and early experiments

The concept of NFT dates back to 2012 with the creation of Colored Coins. These were small pieces of bitcoin that could be “colored” with specific attributes that represented real-world assets, such as real estate, coupons, and even stocks. Although they were not NFTs in the modern sense, Colored Coins introduced the idea of associating unique values with tokens on a blockchain.

In 2014, the Nxt platform launched an update that included Singleton Assets, which were essentially the first examples of NFTs as we know them today. These singleton assets could be created and transferred between accounts without the need for an intermediary, using the Nxt blockchain.

The ERC-721 standard

The real revolution came in 2018 with the introduction of the ERC-721 standard. Proposed by William Entriken, Dieter Shirley, Jacob Evans and Nastassia Sachs in January 2018, this standard allowed for the first time the standardized creation of non-fungible tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. Unlike fungible tokens, which are exchangeable and have no unique properties, ERC-721s could represent any unique digital asset, from art to virtual goods in video games.

Explosion in popularity

The year 2020 marked the beginning of the explosion in popularity of NFTs. The COVID-19 pandemic played a crucial role as more people looked for ways to invest and make money from home. In addition, the growing acceptance of cryptocurrencies and increased interest in alternative forms of art and digital collectibles helped push NFTs to the forefront of the cultural scene.

Platforms like Opensea and Rarible made buying and selling much easier, offering a user-friendly interface and removing many of the technical barriers associated with blockchain transactions. Artists and creators around the world began to explore NFTs as a way to directly and securely monetize their work.

In March 2021, digital artist Beeple sold an NFT artwork for more than $69 million at Christie’s auction house, breaking all previous records and garnering worldwide attention.

Benefits for creators and holders

Non-fungible tokens have emerged as a powerful tool in the digital world, offering significant benefits to both content creators and holders of these assets. These benefits not only foster a new digital economy, but also strengthen intellectual property rights and offer new forms of investment and collection.

Benefits for creators

Creators of NFTs, artists, musicians, designers, and more, find these tokens a revolutionary way to monetize their works. Here are some of the key benefits for creators:

  • Direct monetization of the work: allow creators to sell their work directly to a global audience without the need for intermediaries. This not only increases the share of revenue they receive, but also allows them to set their own prices based on the perceived value of their work.
  • Royalties: One of the most attractive features for creators is the ability to receive royalties on an ongoing basis. Smart contracts can be programmed to ensure that creators receive a percentage of the sale price each time the NFT is sold or resold. This creates a potentially infinite revenue stream that rewards creators for the long-term popularity and appreciation of their work.
  • Market validation and recognition: The successful sale can serve as a form of market validation for a creator’s work, providing visible recognition of their talent and efforts. This can open doors to new opportunities and collaborations.

Benefits for holders

For those who purchase and own, the benefits go beyond simply owning a digital asset:

  • Secure certificate of ownership: Each one includes a certificate of ownership that is verified and stored on the blockchain. This ensures that ownership of the asset is unique and protected from fraud, unauthorized reproduction, and other risks common in the digital world.
  • Exclusivity and status: Owning an NFT often confers a sense of exclusivity due to the unique nature of the asset. This can be especially valuable in communities where ownership of certain NFTs is seen as a symbol of status or membership in an exclusive group.
  • Appreciation potential: Like traditional art and other collectibles, NFTs have the potential to increase in value over time. Owners may experience significant appreciation of their investment, especially if the asset is from a recognized creator or becomes culturally significant.
  • Control over resale: Holders have full control over how and when they sell their assets. The blockchain facilitates the transfer of ownership, ensuring that all aspects of the sale comply with the terms of the smart contract associated with the NFT.

The benefits of NFTs for creators and owners reflect a major shift in the way digital assets are owned and monetized. For creators, NFTs offer a new way to capitalize on their creativity and effort. For holders, they represent a safe and potentially lucrative way to invest in digital art and other unique assets. Together, these benefits are helping to shape a new digital economy that is more inclusive, secure, and beneficial for all stakeholders.

Use cases

Non-fungible tokens have revolutionized numerous industries by providing innovative and secure ways to digitize and monetize assets ranging from art to personal identity. Below, we explore several emerging and established use cases for NFTs that illustrate their versatility and broad impact.

  • Digital art: The most prominent use case is digital art. Artists and galleries use NFTs to sell digital artwork that is verifiable and unique on the blockchain. This not only protects against counterfeiting, but also allows artists to receive ongoing royalties for future resales.
  • Real state: On metaverse platforms such as Decentraland or The Sandbox, NFTs represent parcels of land and other virtual assets. Users can buy, sell, or develop these digital properties to create experiences, commercial spaces, or simply for real estate speculation.
  • Gaming: NFTs are transforming the gaming industry by enabling verifiable ownership of in-game items such as armor, weapons, and other collectibles. This not only increases security and transparency in the game economy, but also allows players to trade their assets on external markets.
  • Event tickets: NFTs can be used to issue and manage tickets for events such as concerts or sporting events. These digital tickets are difficult to counterfeit and can be easily transferred or sold. In addition, event organizers can program terms such as royalties or resale restrictions directly into the NFT.
  • Certifications: Using to issue digital certifications, such as diplomas, certificates of authenticity for art or antiques, and professional licenses, ensures that these documents are unalterable and easily verifiable. This reduces the risk of document fraud and simplifies verification processes.
  • Digital identity: NFTs provide an advanced digital identity management methodology that allows users to create a unique digital profile that can be used to access secure online services. This identity can have associated verification information that reduces the risk of identity theft and related fraud.
  • Collectibles: From game cards to virtual figurines, NFTs allow users to buy, sell, and collect digital items across a variety of platforms. These collectibles can be exclusive and limited edition, increasing their potential value as an investment.

The use cases are many and growing. As more industries begin to explore how they can integrate this technology into their operations, even more innovative applications are likely to emerge. In addition to offering new ways to monetize digital assets, NFTs promise to improve the security and efficiency of many business and personal processes. This is a rapidly evolving field that is redefining what is possible in the digital and virtual world.

Security Issues

Security concerns associated with NFTs include phishing scams, vulnerabilities in smart contracts, and user error, such as the exposure of private keys. It is critical that owners of NFTs adopt optimal security measures and manage their wallets securely to protect their digital assets.


In short, NFTs represent an exciting innovation in the world of decentralized and distributed technologies such as blockchains, offering new forms of ownership, artistic expression, and monetization. From their inception to their prominent position today, NFTs continue to challenge our perceptions and redefine the future of digital culture.


With a solid understanding of their fundamentals and careful attention to security, NFTs promise to transform not only the way we interact with digital assets, but also the world around us. They represent not only a technological innovation but also a cultural evolution, potentially redrawing the lines between creators and consumers, and between art and its audience. In this emerging context, NFTs offer a fertile ground for experimentation and development, promising new forms of value and interaction in an increasingly digitized world.

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