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zkVMs: Understanding Zero-Knowledge Virtual Machines

Virtual machines have revolutionized the way programs run, providing isolated and reproducible environments. These machines allow developers to create programs that can run consistently across different environments, eliminating discrepancies between development and production platforms.

This approach has been particularly beneficial in the development of smart contracts, where consistency and security are essential. Smart contracts, which are self-executing programs with the terms of the agreement directly written into lines of code, greatly benefit from the isolation and reproducibility guarantees offered by virtual machines.

In this context, zkVMs (Zero-Knowledge Virtual Machines) arise, an emerging technology that not only maintains the advantages of traditional virtual machines but also incorporates Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) to add an additional layer of privacy and security.

In this article, we will provide a detailed overview of zkVMs, explaining their architecture, operation, and the significant implications they have for privacy and security in environments using blockchain or distributed ledger technology (DLT).

What are zkVMs?

Unlike traditional virtual machines (VMs) that execute programs, a zero-knowledge virtual machine (zkVM) integrates cryptographic processes to ensure privacy and security by incorporating zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs), which allow verifying program execution without revealing information about the program’s data or internal logic.

Therefore, zkVMs are essentially zero-knowledge (ZK) circuits that execute a VM. The actual program instructions can be passed as public input to that circuit so everyone can see what program is actually being tested.

Unlike traditional VMs, zkVMs are not so much focused on isolating operating systems and applications, but on ensuring that computations are performed privately and securely. This makes zkVMs highly accessible and valuable for various applications, especially in the enhancement of blockchain technology, as it would serve as a catapult for the mass adoption of this technology, although the industry still needs to progress for this paradigm to become a reality.

zkVM vs. zkEVM: Key differences

A zkEVM is a specialized zkVM tailored for the Ethereum blockchain. It executes Ethereum smart contracts using ZKPs while maintaining compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). This improves scalability and privacy by processing off-chain transactions and validating them on-chain with a single proof. While zkVMs provide general purpose solutions for various blockchains, zkEVMs are optimized for the Ethereum ecosystem.

Stages of zkVMs

The main stages of a zkVM, or also known as abstracted process flow, are:

  • Compiler stage: The first stage involves the conversion of programs written in conventional languages (such as C, C++, Rust, Solidity, etc.) into machine code. This process is guided by the ISA (Instruction Set Architecture) chosen for the zkVM. The compiler translates the source code into a format that the virtual machine can interpret and execute efficiently.
  • Virtual machine (VM) stage: In this stage, the virtual machine executes the machine code generated by the compiler. During execution, an execution trace is created that records each step of the process. This trace is formatted according to the chosen arithmetic scheme, such as R1CS (Rank-1 Constraint System), PLONKish, or AIR (Algebraic Intermediate Representation).
  • Prover stage: The prover is responsible for translating the execution trace into algebraic polynomials. It then commits to these polynomials using a Polynomial Commitment Scheme (PCS). Next, it performs a Polynomial Interactive Oracle Proof (PIOP) to prove that the committed polynomials satisfy the given constraints. Finally, the prover produces an evaluation proof to be sent to the verifier.
  • Verifier stage: The verifier receives the evaluation proof and verifies it following the established verification protocol. The verification process is much less computationally expensive than the full execution of the original program, which highlights one of the main advantages of zero-knowledge cryptography. The verifier accepts or rejects the proof based on its validity, thus ensuring the integrity and privacy of the execution.

On the other hand, it should also be noted that the design and implementation of each component of a zkVM is influenced by the choice of the type of zero-knowledge proof used. Two of the main technologies in this field are SNARKs (Succinct Non-interactive Arguments of Knowledge) and STARKs (Scalable Transparent Arguments of Knowledge), which enable efficient verification of complex calculations without revealing sensitive information, which is essential for privacy and integrity in blockchain environments.

The zkVM trilemma: Balancing speed, efficiency and succinctness

ZkVMs while being at the center of innovation in cryptography and blockchain, as with many advanced technologies, there is a trilemma that developers must face: balancing speed, efficiency and succinctness.


Speed in a zkVM refers to the speed with which zero-knowledge proofs can be generated and verified. In a decentralized and distributed environment, speed is key to ensure that transactions are processed in real time or near real time, while maintaining system usability.

  • Challenges: Zero-knowledge proofs, by their mathematical and cryptographic nature, are computationally intensive. Speeding up these processes without compromising the security and integrity of the proofs is a significant challenge.
  • Solutions: Optimized algorithm implementations, the use of specialized hardware (such as ASICs or GPUs), and process parallelization are some of the strategies to boost speed.


Efficiency in the context of zkVM refers to the amount of computational and energy resources required to generate and verify zero-knowledge proofs.

  • Challenges: Minimizing resource usage is key to the sustainability and scalability of the technology. A system that consumes too many resources is not only wasteful, but may also be unsustainable in the long term.
  • Solutions: Efficiency can be improved by optimizing algorithms and implementing techniques such as data compression, which reduces the amount of information that needs to be processed and transmitted.


Succinctness refers to the amount of data that needs to be transmitted and stored to prove that a transaction or contract execution is valid without revealing unnecessary information.

  • Challenges: The proof must be small enough to be manageable and transmitted quickly, but it must also contain all the information necessary to be verified properly.
  • Solutions: The use of advanced cryptographic techniques such as SNARKs (Succinct Non-interactive Arguments of Knowledge) and STARKs (Scalable Transparent Arguments of Knowledge) can help create more succinct proofs.

Finding the balance between these three factors is the great challenge of the zkVM trilemma, since improving one aspect often means compromising the other two. For example, increasing speed may require more resources, reducing efficiency, or may result in less succinct testing.

To achieve optimization, efficiency and improvement in this trilemma, the developer and academic community will need to continue to explore new ways to balance these factors, such as with the use of hybrid algorithms and machine learning techniques that facilitate process optimization. So with commitment and research, it is believed possible to achieve a balance that will enable zkVMs to deliver fast, efficient and succinct transactions, thus driving the future of blockchain technology.


ZkVMs have become a must-have for improving privacy, security and scalability in various decentralized applications.

By effectively harnessing the potential of zkVMs to create secure and efficient systems, smart contracts can be executed privately and securely, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of transactions. As we have seen, through zkVMs it is possible to verify the correct execution of a program without revealing any information about the program’s data or internal logic, and this is essential in a digital environment that is increasingly concerned about data security and user privacy.

As times change, zero-knowledge cryptography is emerging as a powerful and universally adoptable tool for scaling and securing any software. Its ability to provide security and privacy without compromising efficiency makes zkVMs a key solution to modern challenges in technology and cryptography.

[1] What is a zkVM?: A Zero Knowledge Paradigm (Part I)
[2] Exploring zkVM Design Trade-offs: A Zero Knowledge Paradigm (Part II)
[3] Zero-Knowledge Virtual Machine (ZKVM)
[4] A journey into zero-knowledge proofs
[5] zkVM Takes Center Stage of the Blockchain World

Want to learn more about self-sovereign identity and ZKPs proofs? Don’t miss these resources!

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